branches of chemistry and uses of chemistry in our daily life

What are the Branches of Chemistry

Organic Chemistry:

As the name implies it are often assumed that this deals with one thing associated with living beings.
Though it's true, in scientific terms, it's the study of carbon compounds.
It includes the study of all the doable compounds that have a carbon in them.
However, its name is organic chemistry because the study of compounds having carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Because pure carbon compounds like atomic number 6, coal and diamond are non-reactive and are least studied in this branch of chemistry.

There is large range of compounds that have various chemical properties.
They realize their uses in medication, food, agriculture, sterilization, disinfection and also research.

Examples of compounds studied during this branch include; carbohydrates, benzene, amino-acids, vinegar, phenol etc.

For an entire list, read examples of organic compounds along with their structure.

What is studied: normally the study includes synthesis, identification, purification, breakdown and also methods to discover new compounds and their applications.

2. Inorganic Chemistry:

 this is often the chemistry that studies compounds destitute of carbon.
This includes the list of chemical that is of course found in nature and additionally synthesis within the laboratory.
However, it appears that the amount of the compound beneath this chemical science square measure lesser than those in chemistry.

The inorganic compounds realize their use in medication, food, agriculture and additionally technology.

Examples of compounds in this branch include

Acids: Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid. Salts: sodium, potassium chloride; Alkalis: like Aluminum hydroxide, calcium hydroxide etc.

3. Biochemistry:

This chemistry because the name implies is that the study of biological compounds.
Biochemistry deals with chemistry happening within the living bodies of animals and plants.
This subject is large and plays a vital role in medication, agriculture, poultry, fisheries etc.
This helped in understanding the particular physiology of our bodies and reason behind diseases.

It deals with four major biochemicals like
1) Proteins
2) Fats (lipids) and
3) Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA).
and additionally few supporting components like enzymes, vitamins and hormones.

In plants, it explains the process of photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration.
In animals, its describes digestion, metabolism, excretion, respiration (energy formation) and additionally nerve conductivity.

Its applications in lifestyle includes aldohexose estimation (diabetic patients), fermentation etc.

4. Physical Chemistry:

 because the name indicates, it deals with physical properties of chemicals or substances.
It includes topics like gaseous laws (Dalton law), thermal conductivity in liquids, gases, solids.
the physical phenomenon of electrolytes (used in batteries) liquids etc.
It additionally deals with processes like sublimation, melting point, boiling point, crystal structure of compounds etc.

This chemistry finds its applications in different branches of chemistry besides daily applications in industries, automobiles etc.

5. Healthful Chemistry:

Chemistry plays a serious role in medication.
Most medicines are of chemical nature. They are either organic or inorganic compounds.
They have therapeutic potential thanks to their chemical nature.
Hence this chemistry tries to study reasons of the therapeutic property in the compound like its ability to bind to receptors, enzymes, bring changes in the chemistry of the body etc.
The study includes analysis of SAR (structural activity relationship).
This means once a practical cluster is modified or the position of associate degree atom or practical cluster on the structure is modified, it leads to better efficiency and fewer side-effects.
The study additionally includes discovery of recent compounds for medication.
Besides new strategies to synthesize the compound at less value square measure explored.

6 Analytical Chemistry

 plays an important role in the internal control of trade inside trade.
Analysis also helps in analyzing the identity and composition of compounds.
There are two types of analysis criteria such as.

Analytical chemistry is that the study involving however we have a tendency to analyze the chemical elements of samples.
How much alkaloid is admittedly in an exceedingly cup of coffee?
Are there drugs found in athlete’s urine samples?
What is the pH level of milk?
Examples of areas victimization analytical chemistry embody rhetorical science, biology, and drug testing.

Analytical chemistry is split into 2 main branches: qualitative and measurement.

Qualitative analysis employs methods/measurements to assist confirm the elements of gear.
Quantitative analysis on the opposite hand, helps to spot what proportion of every part is gift in an exceedingly substance.

Both sorts of Analysis will be wont to offer necessary info concerning an unidentified sample and facilitate to spot what the sample is.

7. Nuclear Chemistry:

This branch of chemistry deals with radioactive components.
Their behavior like fission, fusion reactions etc.
This chemistry finds application in creating atomic bombs, energy for generating electricity.

Uses of chemistry in our daily life:

Chemistry is part of our daily life you can find it in

Drugs, medicines, Vitamins and minerals

Why is chemistry important?

If you are taking chemistry or teach chemistry, you’ll be asked to answer this question.
It’s straightforward to mention chemistry is vital as a result of everything is created from chemicals, but there are a lot of other reasons why chemistry is a big part of daily
life and why everyone should understand basic chemistry.
Why do you think chemistry is important? This a selection of answers from real chemists, teachers, students, and readers just like you (kindly remember not all people who answered this question speak English as a native language):
We are chemical beings

More than simply nutrients, medicines and poisons, everything we do is chemical.
Geology too – why can we wear diamonds and not carbonate on our fingers?

Importance of chemistry to life

(1)    several issue that square measure our in atmosphere square measure product of chemicals.
(2)    several things that we have a tendency to observe within the world square measure product of chemical effects.



The bottles, cups and plates used to improve food handling and transport include food packaging materials and containers, chemical substance such as plastic, of which elements can move to food.

food packaging

Other chemicals will be able to fight diseases in cattle or crops, or will typically be found in food as a results of a production method like
heating/cooking or decontamination treatment.

Some plants and fungi naturally turn out toxins which will contaminate crops and be a priority for human and animal health.

People can even be exposed to each present and artificial chemical compounds gift at varied levels within the atmosphere, e.g.
in soil, water and the atmosphere.

Examples embrace industrial pollutants like dioxins and PCBs.
A variety of metals will be gift naturally within the atmosphere or as a results of human action

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