Citation and Referencing


This post is about citation and referring for beginners, say you are in a school, college or in the university and you have an assignment to complete.

for example an essay or a literature review or any other piece of writing. What will you do now what will you go to gather the informations you need to write. For this situation you will either search for certain, papers like journal papers or you will go to the library and begin burrowing into the books or the most utilized option these days you will go online and look into many websites. You have now gathered all the informations you need and you want to use all those information into your assignment. Now what next, if you directly copy and put that information into your project without citing the source you might get into some serious trouble for plagiarism. To keep away from this you really want to recognize the source of that data and information. In simple words we can use the information if we properly cite the source.

So, we should discuss citation and referring , now citation is a particular source that is mentioned in the body of essay or paper now what is the bodyof paper. I will explain it later in this post after you cite in the body of essay you need to provide the list of all those sources at the end which is called reference. So how can you cite there are three ways to cite. Name and Year System,  Alphabet number system and Citation order system

Citation and Referencing
image source virtual library

Name and Year System:

Name and Year System here you cite as mentioned in these sentences for example this sentence here was written by author Hughes in 1983 Hand shaking is a behavior suggestive of an alerting response (Hughes, 1983)” so you cite as Hughes 1983. If there are more than two authors you cite as first author at all followed by comma and year . In this system references are listed in alphabetical order at the end of your paper or essay

2 Alphabet Number System:

 Alphabet number system, in the example given here you can see citation as numbers 2, you give this number in brackets Hughes reported that hand shaking is a behavior suggestive of an alerting response(2)”, but when you cite other sentence you can write (3,1), here you give a number to the source of information that corresponds to the number of the source in alphabetical listing of reference. This will be more clear when I give you an example later on

 3 Citation Order System:

 Citation order system when you cite the sources of information in your essay or paper you give a number in brackets that corresponds to the number of source listed in the order in which they appear in the body like the first citation look like (1) and when you cite other sentence it will appear as (2,1) 


let's look at Name and Year system, this is how you reference appear at the end of your essay, you can see a very specific format 

Let's talk about Alphabet number system, now here  references are listed in alphabetical order this is how you can reference appear in the body of your essay. Citation appears corresponding to the number of the source in alphabetical listing of reference 

Similarly for Citation order system. If you want to know more about citation styles there are different styles such as APA MLA Chicago etc. APA is used mainly for field such as education psychology and science. MLA mainly in humanities and Chicago mainly in business. There are other styles as well, I can make a more elaborated post. 

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