AMAZON Affiliate Marketing For BEGINNERS in 2022


You already know that has thousands of products that you can promote and make money with but maybe you don't know how to signup to the amazon associates program. The best products that you can sell to make the most amount of money and how to promote those products in the easiest and fastest way well. I'm going to show you all of that step by step right now and so that's going to bereally fun but i'll let you know the advantages and disadvantages of amazon affiliate marketing as well as the thing everyone is considering what's the quickest and most straightforward method for making money on amazon affiliate marketing for beginners in 2022, that is what I am gonna share with you all my knowledge and experence today. So you can basically just copy what i'm gonna show you right. Now you can start making money with this but we're gonna start on the basic level

AMAZON Affiliate Marketing For BEGINNERS in 2022
AMAZON Affiliate Marketing For BEGINNERS in 2022

 Which is to make the amazon associates account. So all you need to do is search on amazon associates on google and then click on the amazon associates central it's very simple. Just signup, recommend and earn. 

image source: amazon affiliate

All you need to do is just signup with your name, email and password and create your amazon account. If  you have an amazon account you can utilize the amazon account you  already have, then go to your email and copy the otp, enter the otp and make your amazon account. After that you need to enter your data (Account Information) you definitely know how to do this, click  next and in order to join you actually need at least  one site or versatile application yet assuming you have an instagram account or you have a youtube channel you can place that in the link once you've gotten done with your profile. You can now begin utilizing amazon associates. Now that you're inside you can promote any product on amazon and make acommission for it. All you need to do is click search for a keyword and we're gonna search for tv.

You can see all these different tvs and all we need to do is click on get link. You want to click on text only and then click on a short link if any body clicks on this link they will end up on AMAZON page and you know that it's an affiliate. Now once they land on this page they will get a sticky cookie for 24 hours means that you're not only gonna get commission for this product right here, if they add like for example mic or let's say helmet or a camera too you will likewise get a commission for that and from my experience, I make around 30 to 40 percent of my bonuses not from explicitly the things I suggest but rather from different things that they add to cart. So that is around 30-40 percent more than what you actually worked for. Now you might be asking howmuch of a percentage am i going to get if i sell tv well look at these fixed standard commission rates. So if you check out the rate on amazon you will see that televisions and digital video games is only two percent while luxury beauty, luxury stores beauty and amazon coins is 10%  and this is the con with amazon affiliate marketing.


In my opinion yes there's a ton of products, yes it's like the easiest sell because the amazon has a lot of trust yet physical items have a way lower commission rate compared with computerized items (digital products) and digital products could for example be a software email marketing, crm systems that people pay monthly for and with that you can get anywhere from 40 all the way up to 75% where the maximum here on amazon is you know about 5% so that means if you want to sell tv (price 130$) and make a hundred dollars per day and you make two percent affiliate commission so that's after some calculation result comes out that you have to sell 39 tvs to make hundred dollars.

Very much like this one to make a hundred dollars every day and 39 is a quite a lot. So a fast tip for you is to go either mass volume or higher ticket items. Presently you may be wondering how am I going to get my affiliate link out there you could have heard people start a blog make a review, video or even a correlation video or make a youtube channel and put all the links down in the description but my number one recommendation is to make a top five or top 10 product review channel and you don't need to show your face you don't need to talk into the microphone. Now Let me show you an example of a channel named 10 best ones and as you can see this channel have more than 100K views in all of the videos. This channel began with computerize voice that's right that is correct robot voice and you don't need to purchase the items  you don't even have to own it in order tomake videos.

The summary of AMAZON AFFILIATE MARKETING is based on three things that is JOIN, ADVERTISE and EARN



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