Why Tesla Cars Are So Famous and Expensive and What Makes Tesla So Unique And Popular

Tesla is that the most precious auto company within the world currently. Its market capitalisation has crossed $1 trillionit's therefore valuable that if I keep Tesla on one aspect,and look at successive ten most precious automotive corporations,Ford, Honda, Volkswagen,Toyota, BMW, the combined valuation of those ten corporations, would be up to Tesla.What itherefore special concerning Tesla? what's Elon Musk's magic that has created this company more valuable? In today's article, let's perceive  Tesla's Business Mode

The value of Tesla, the manufacturer of high-end electrical cars, has truly surpassed that of Ford and General Motors. The electric-vehicle maker's stock dashing this year. Musk's wealth skyrocketing because of the surge in Tesla shares creating him wealthier than Warren Buffet. This summer, Tesla became the foremost valuable car company  within the world. It's simply become one in every of the foremost  disputable names, and one in every of the most-watched names.names  At first glance, you'd think that if Telsa is such a valuable company, it mustbe selling a lot of cars. This isn't true, friends. Although it is certainly true that the number of Tesla cars sold  this year, is much more than last year. It has good growth. But if you compare overall,the number of Tesla  cars sold in 2021, or rather the number of Tesla cars that will be sold by the end of 2021, it will be less than 1 million. Here we've all the cars  sold by all the businesses  worldwide 75 million. it's calculable that  around  900,000 Teslas would be sold this year. the market share of Tesla is just 1.2%. A meager market share, however a vast  valuation.

Come, let's inspect the most Tesla merchandise that are being sold that type the revenue of Tesla.Talking concerning cars,mainly, there ar four extremely popular  models of Tesla. Models S, 3, X, Y.The most high-ticket of them is that the Model X. Around $99,900 for this automotive.Then, Model S at $90,000. Model Y at $55,000 and Model three, the foremost sold Tesla automotive ,it's also the most cost effective  Tesla automotive,at $42,000.One issue is of course,that Tesla cars are available in the high-end luxury class

 If you inspect  this chart you'd recognize the quantity of sales of every model. Generally, the Tesla Model X and S are around 10,000 and Tesla Model three at 90,000.This chart is for the quarterly deliveries.

What is Tesla's profit margin in selling one car? To have a fair estimate, we can look at the Automotive Gross Margin

It is the overall sales minus the manufacturing cost. For Tesla, this is at 30.5%. It is believed to be a very high profit margin. In comparison, in the past, it used to be around 27%. And now it has crossed 30%. It has seen good growth too. And if you compare it to the other car companies, it is more than in most companies. Even BMW and Mercedes don't get such a high profit margin. For most car companies, it is in the 15%-20% range. In fact, this margin of more than 30%, is only for the high-end extreme luxury brands. Like Porsche or Ferrari. Selling cars is the main source of revenue for Tesla. Most of the revenue earned by Tesla, is from the car sales. But it is not the only source of revenue. So what other sources of revenue does Tesla have? Its sources of revenue can be divided into 3 main categories.

First is that the automotive that features the automotive sales. Apart from it, the Sale of restrictive Credits is additionally enclosed in it.I'll make a case for the Sale of restrictive Credits later 

The second is ServicingServicing the cars is also a source of revenue for the company.

And the third main supply is that the energy business of Tesla.You might already  recognize that Tesla doesnot sell cars solely.It sells Solar Roof and Power Wall as well. 

The concept of the Solar Roof is quite simple. If you have to install solar panels in your home, you can get them from Tesla.


The Power Wall has also been created with the perspective of renewable energy.If you have solar panels in your home, but if there isn't much sunshine,where would you get electricity from? You need a place to store energy. Their Power Wall is an energy-storing device.This Wall looks like this.


Additionally, Tesla has plans to launch an electrical truck.Cybertruck. They are already  performing on it. There are plans to launch a affordable automotive model within the  future.They haven't disclosed its name nonetheless. it'll price around $25,000. Even the middle-class individuals of America would be able to afford it. Combining all the revenue of Tesla,in 2020 it absolutely was around $32 billion. However in 2021, it'll be around $23 billion.


In this chart, you'll see their revenue growth. Revenue is that the quantity of cash that  an organization earns


The earnings of the company. In the same chart, you can see the future projections of the estimated revenue of Tesla.In the chart, you can also see the breakdown. Red   shows the revenue from car sales and automotiveOrange is for the revenue from selling energy products. Products like Tesla Solar Roof and Power Walls and  Yellow shows the revenue from Servicing. Around 80% of the company's revenue is from the sales of Tesla cars. If we compare this with a company like General Motors. The revenue of General Motors, in this chart, you can see that Tesla is lagging. In terms of revenue generation, Tesla is yet to reach the levelsat which it can compete with the other car companies. But you can see it grow on the chart. Tesla is catching up with them fast.In the future, it's possible that Tesla would overtake companies like GM and Ford.

Interestingly, friends,the money earned  by Tesla is less than cash spent by Tesla. You'd wonder how this could be possible. Tesla has a nice profit margin.The cost to manufacture one automotive,allows it to induce profit on sale at a 30%. On what's the cash spent? The easy answer to that is on Research and Development.


Tesla is disbursement billions of dollars on researching and  developing smart   technologies . For this precise reason,Tesla had been a loss-making company for several years, up until 2019. 2020 was the primary year once Tesla created a earnings  and do you know what's more interesting? While the opposite automotive producing  firms pay plenty of cash on advertising. On promoting and promoting the cars,Tesla's advertising disbursement is $0$0! Tesla does not pay any cash on advertising its cars


Consider this chart. it's shown an honest comparison of various automotive companies the per automotive expenditure on R&D and also the per automotive expenditure on  Advertising. For Tesla, the advertising disbursement is zero.

 However  R&D expenses is nearly thrice than that of the opposite automotive firms. You'd surprise however this might be attainable. . How could a company sell its products without using ads? the easy answer  is Elon Musk's popularty. Elon Musk is such a popular and famous person,with only 1 tweet, he will impact the worth of Dogecoin. Therefore you'll be able to imagine, such a well-liked person does not have to be compelled to pay on advertising for the promotion of his company. There is so much hype built up for Tesla,that it gets automatic media coverage from all the companies.There are so many new exciting  features in their car, they present so many new and unique things,that people get curious about it and write on social media, discuss them,t he media companies publish articles about it,news channels talk about it on TV.

In marketing, this can be called Word of Mouth marketing. If you prefer one thing such a lot that you just tell your friends and family regarding it,and they find it useful also,and they tell their friends, this results in the promotion. So that they do not have to be compelled to pay on advertising. Other than this, there are so many unique things about Tesla, in comparison to the other car companies, that makes it unique in itself. Another example of this is, their car dealership model. Other car companies often sell their cars through car dealers. A third party is involved in between. You would've seen that when you go to buy a car, there is some dealership involved. Tesla doesn't do so.If you want to buy a car from Tesla, you can order it from their website directly or you can go to their showroom and buy a car from Tesla directly. So there are no middlemen. No need for negotiations. And Tesla doesn't lose money on commission either. 

The disadvantage of this model is that for Tesla, this increases their costs.They need to have their delivery centres.Hire staff  there,carry out maintenance, train the staff. The other car companies do not have to bear these costs .But the advantage is that Tesla has total control of the process from start to end.You can compare this with the Apple company. Apple does the same. Apple tries to control as many things as it can.Whether it is the Operating System, software of the phone, or the chip manufacturing.

Another special thing about Tesla is their giga-factories.The gigantic factories they have installed to establish the principle of Economies of Scale. In economics, there's a concept Economies of Scale, the larger the scale of production of something,it reduces the cost per unit of it.

In electric cars, over several years there was a problem that the cost of batteries was very high. So Tesla introduced the concept of Giga factories, where in they set up gigantic factories for manufacturing the batteries for their cars in order to reduce their cost. Presently, there are 6 Giga factories worldwide. 4 of them are functional and 2 under-construction.  Apart from these, perhaps the most special thing about Tesla is the technologies that they use in their cars.The type of self-driving technology they've used has never been seen before in a car.I n their autopilot mode,a driver could drive the car almost without doing anything.The car can drive itself.The safety features in their car are one of the best in the world. The credit to popularise electric cars globally, goes to Tesla. For these reasons, many people have confidence in Tesla and feel proud to invest in its stocks.They're certain that in the future, this company would bring a revolution to the world. So many people have invested in Tesla's stock,that it is the most popular stock in the US now.


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