How to Overcome Nervousness and Hesitation During Persentation


How to Overcome Nervousness and Hesitation in Public Speaking

It’s common to get nerves or fear before doing a presentation - I don’t think it was a warning sign, I like to think of it as a sign that you want to do well and you are nervous that things might not work.

The fear of public speaking is a natural form of concern for many. With preparing and consistent practice, anybody even you can defeat public speaking anxiety. The fear of public speaking can vary from an insignificant nervousness to deadening anxiety and fright. Many people have dread or apprehension about giving a speech in public. This apprehension and fear of public speaking could jeopardize their career in the future. 

How to Overcome Nervousness and Hesitation During Persentation
image credit: Bookboon

In some cases, people's legs start trembling violently (they also wonder if the audience can see it)

There are some tips and skills which can make you more confident and you can give a presentation calmly and confidently.

Prepare Your Speech:

Any topic you are going to present in front of the public or students in front of their class, you have to research that topic deeply. Focused more on facts and figures, Write a proper script that includes each detail that you are going to cover on that presentation.

Make Attractive Presentation:

If you don’t have enough time for practice then you have to make a beautiful attractive presentation. Proper use of templates, transition, animation, tables, facts, and figures make your presentation more attractive

Don’t Miss Any Opportunity: 

Don’t be hesitate to participate in any public speaking competition even if it feels like you’ll have a heart attack up there because no one can beat practice

Rehearsal Before Any Big Talk:

Rehearse before the big talk. Don’t memorize your whole script. Make bullet points associated with each slide (you can also have them in front of you as you present by facing your laptop and playing the presentation in presentation mode) But if you feel any difficulty memorizing these bullet points or facts you have to write these important points on a small paper and don’t be hesitate to take this small paper with your during your presentation because this is a common practice

How to Overcome Nervousness and Hesitation During Persentation
image credit: deep pandey

As I mentioned before, People mostly students' legs and hands tremble on stage. It’s like their mental anxiety converts into kinetic energy and travels through my body. This is a big problem as most of the teachers and the public judge you by your body language and if you do not solve this problem your presentation ends before its start. You have to tackle this by two means:

  1. Keep a water bottle with you. If you feel nervous, exhausted, or need some pause during the presentation just reach to the bottle and slowly take a sip. It gives you enough time to remember what you are going to say and take your breath back and makes you look calm
  2. Always take small steps during the presentation. While giving presentation steady, people focus more on you.


image source: quore

Giving a presentation in a public is always a big problem, especially for students. Just stay calm, don’t get nervous you have your slide with you and a small paper in your hand in which all important bullet points are written. Keep practice before presentation, make good attractive slides, keep a water bottle with you and always take small steps during your presentation.

How to Overcome Nervousness and Hesitation During Persentation
image credit: rapid learning institute

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